August 2023, holistic detox retreat at Korogonas Ark, Greece

  • Greece
  • Holistic center
  • Earth house
  • Private room
  • Detox
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holistic detox retreat
(7 days)

12 - 19 August 2023

--> I choose to free myself from physical, emotional, mental toxins.

--> I choose to support myself to gain holistic health, well-being, inner peace, connection with joy.

--> I choose to combine peace of mind & vacations with deep wisdom, good company of people, body-mind-spirit uplift within pure nature.

Would the above appear attractive to you?

You are welcome to "Korogonas Ark"
our peace, educational, community project
for regeneration, well-being, the Story of Connection
based at the small paradise of the tranquil plateau of
"Korogonas" in Southern Lakonia, Peloponnese, Greece,
with numerous pure beaches in the neighbourhood.
Come and dive into the multi-coloured programme
we have prepared for you
with love,
focusing on our holistic detox & rejuvenation!

► content of the Retreat:

- daily workshops for physical, emotional, mental detox

- tools towards peaceful living, peace interactions, crisis transformation

- easily applied secrets to detox through nutrition

- body practices, 5 rhythms & etheric dance towards cleansing and purity

- art therapy & invigoration of our inner knowledge and awareness through creative practices

- holistic therapies/modalities

- meditations, visualisations, mindfulness, positive transformation, inner talk

- excursions & walks to special spots

► mini workshops (upon request):
- "Dolphins' moves"
- "the language of Connection"
- "the hero's/heroine's journey"
- "unity singing & movement in the circle"
- the art & science of Radiaesthesia
- family/systemic constellation
- therapeutic harp
- intuitive art

For more details regarding the extra workshops, please contact us.

► one-to-one sessions (Please book in advance):
During the Retreat you have the opportunity of one-to-one sessions:
Usui Reikι, angelic healing, systemic constellation, spiritual counselling, tuning forks-singing bowls-chimes, healing with crystals, foot detox, emotional detox, Dolphins' moves, radiaesthesia measurements, Awaken to own life purpose, Creative Healing, archetypes & our 7 'personalities', collage & individualised affirmations,
Guided Imagery sessions with harp (melodies & special improvisation techniques with psychic archetypes) etc.

► free time:
walking, trekking, running, swimming, bicycle rides,
excursions to the majestic castle city of Monemvasia, the exotic island of Elafonisos, Kastania cave, the underwater city of Pavlopetri, the cosmopolitan beach of Plytra, the infinite beach of Harahia

► mini bio bazaar:
wild capers, wild herbs,
nutrition products, skin products, hygiene products,
crystals, crystal salt,
Meine Base alkaline rejuvenating mineral salt,
singing bowls, healing music, guided meditations,
wild olive oil, domesticated olives,
HOL Ray Transformers etc.

► duration:
12 - 19 August 2023

► lodgings:
i) the artful ConTe eco-rooms
or ii) the 7-metre main caravan of Korogonas Ark land
or iii) own tent.

There are more than 100 trees to offer their shade.
Everybody en-joys peace and personal space!

--> NB: For your stay at the ConTe eco-rooms,
you would need to book well in advance due to limited number of rooms.

► Coming to Korogonas Ark:
With your own vehicle
or with a bus.
The bus service connects us with the capital of Greece, Athens twice a day everyday.
In case you are interested in car pooling, please let us know in advance.

► surprises & 'gifts':
♥ sublime sunrise at Monemvasia castle city,
embraced in harp melodies and an empowering activity with cards

♥ excursion at the forest mountain springs and the crystal waters of the river
at the bottom of the majestic Taygetos mountain, Sparti, Lakonia

♥ empowering games which bring joy to individuals and groups

♥ unity singing & circle dance/movement in the circle

♥ moments of poetry & inspiring/awakening texts
(Please bring with you texts which inspire you.)

♥ music encounters (Please bring with you your musical instrument, if possible.)

♥ exchange/gift book bazaar

♥ seeds banks/exchange (Please bring with you seeds from pure plants/varieties.)

♥ morning preparation for the day at the Princess wild olive tree

♥ night meditations under the crystal star dome of Korogonas Ark's night sky

► nutrition:
twice a day: late in the morning & early in the evening

The food is purely plant-based, whole, fresh, bio/organic, highly nutritious, energetic, detoxifying and healing.
The dishes served fully support the aims of the retreat towards holistic detox. They are particularly tasty and well-combined, prepared with the love and wisdom of both the hosts and local Nature.

► your financial contribution:
Please contact us expressing your interest and sharing your profile and needs.

Your contribution constitutes vital support
to the educational, social, regenerative, healing work of Korogonas Ark.

Korogonas Ark is a land of peace, holistic health and whole living.
Cigarettes, smoking, alcohol, chemicals, sugar, processed foods, animal products, products of violence and inequity, also coffee (particularly for the purposes of detoxing) are 100% absent.

Visitors, guests, participants are kindly requested to align with the values of this land of peace and bring with them only bio/organic products for their personal hygiene and cleaning (i.e. soaps, liquids, skin creams, toothpastes, sun protection etc.)
In the case that you find any difficulty to bring such pure products with you, please note that Korogonas Ark is a place where you could make a purchase according to your needs.

For more info and for your reservation
please contact us as soon as possible
via email
or telephone
(0030) 6938141330

We thank you.

Looking forward to our connection with gratitude.

your hosts,
maria & alexandros
"Korogonas Ark"


Retreat's hosts & trainers:
alexandros m pfaff & maria a. angeli (aka Korogonians)

alexandros m. pfaff is a contemporary visionary who has dedicated his life to the collective progress of the planet and humanity. Through House of Light, which he has founded in 2007, and in cooperation with I AM University in Austria, he offers everybody who seeks for it contemporary synthetic teachings from teachers all over the planet. In the context of his service upon Earth he has occupied himself in almost every subject that life offers and for the more recent years he has been focusing on alternative/energy healing, self-knowledge and therapy seminars, meditations’ recordings, writing, environmental education based on self-knowledge and art creation, dowsing and geopathology, music and visual arts. All of his initiatives are orchestrated by self-knowledge and they boil down to awakening and progress tools for every human being/participant.
Important points in his life itinerary:
♥ Master of Fine Arts, Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Braunschweig, Germany
♥ music education and numerous public shows and recordings, in Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Japan etc., as a member of the world famous boys’ choir "Knabenchor Hannover".
♥ strong presence in the field of contemporary visual arts with many solo and group shows in Greece and abroad.
♥ professional occupation in radiesthesia, dowsing and geopathology
♥ studies and everyday practice in various alternative healing systems
♥ spiritual counselling
♥ ‘readings’ on the physical, emotional health and the spiritual balance
♥ intensive occupation with esoteric philosophy, mysticism, occultism and practical application of spiritual exercises since the beginning of 1990s
♥ trainer/educator in innovative experiential programmes for the Human Values and the Holistic learning, for every age in Greece and abroad


maria a. angeli is a Connection advocate, an experiential workshops’ facilitator, trainer, educator, musician & therapeutic musician, art curator, museum/art educator and writer. In continuance to her studies in Greek literature, art theory and communication in academic institutions in Greece and abroad as well as her travels for research and personal discoveries, she has been consistently studying spiritual psychology, holistic learning and individual-centred education. She has been dedicated during the last decades to experiential and holistic education for every age, Unity singing & circle dance, alternative therapies and initiatives which promote Unity, Solidarity & Connection in every human activity/initiative.
She voluntarily supports various environmental and social bodies, NGOs, homes for elderly people, foundations for children. She works with children and adults in Greece and abroad through:
♥ programmes for the Collective Intelligence, our Life Purpose, Peaceful Activism,
our hero's journey, decision-making processes,
the power of the Circle, Deep Ecology, the Work that Reconnects
♥ programmes for global Human Values in life and in the educational process
♥ Peace Education, Global Education and Holistic Learning programmes
♥ ‘The Language of Connection’ and 'Conscious Parenting' tools for educators, facilitators and parents
♥ Body consciousness workshops for substantial body-mind bridges and realisations of the Self-through the body
♥ workshops for Silence, peaceful mind and mindfulness
♥ therapy/energy dance, sacred singing
♥ Unity singing & circle dances
♥ sounds' healing
♥ the power of sound in pedagogics, self-care, communication, personal & collective evolution
♥ various modalities for awareness & empowerment through creativity
♥ meditations and visualisations
♥ workshops and individual sessions on creative writing and art therapy
♥ workshops for the right brain empowerment, the harmonious connection of the analytic & synthetic qualities of the human being and balancing of the energy centres
♥ individual energy healing sessions
♥ work with crystals, sounds and singing bowls
♥ individual/group counselling
♥ peace, whole plant-based, mandala healing food
♥ the political, ethical, spiritual and social dimensions of our food and our consumption
♥ harp sessions for individuals and groups (guided imagery, archetypes, harp & narration)
♥ tools for communication with elderly people and especially disoriented people or people with cognitive impairment
♥ therapeutic harp sessions for elderly people (hospices, hospitals, homes, private houses, care centres)

She has received praises/awards by Greek schools, centres of environmental education in Greece, foreign colleges in Greece, the International Olympic Academy, social/educational organisations in Europe and USA, Cornell University, New York.
She gets inspired by and honours teachings from various parts of the globe which promote a Synthesis of spiritual paths, Connection and unity consciousness.

  • Ideal for solo male
  • Ideal for solo female
  • Ideal for two friends
  • Ideal for couple
  • Ideal for group
  • English is the primary language
  • Greek is the secondary language
  • Available in August

The Ahimsa Way

  • ✓  100% Vegan


  • Hot water

  • Nature view

  • Ocean view

  • Parking free

  • Peace and Quiet

  • Pets in the house

  • Public transport nearby

  • Restaurants nearby

  • Terrace

  • Vegetable garden


Two meals per day, wholefoods, of high nutritional value, often from our own vegetable gardens and fruit trees

  • ✓  We serve you food
  • ✓  Breakfast is free
  • ✓  Dinner is free
  • ✓  100% Organic
  • ✓  Fasting support
  • ✓  Breakfast
  • ✓  Dinner
  • ✓  Fruits and vegetables
  • ✓  Glutten-free options
  • ✓  Locally grown produce
  • ✓  Macrobiotic options
  • ✓  Organic options
  • ✓  Raw food options
  • ✓  Vegan options
  • Class

  • Concert

  • Cycling

  • Day trip

  • Detox

  • Esoteric

  • Fasting

  • Healing

  • Hiking and climbing

  • Massage

  • Meditation

  • Painting

  • Reading

  • Seminar

  • Sightseeing

  • Spiritual

  • Swimming

  • Tai Chi

  • Workshop

  • Yoga

Name of guide

maria a.angeli

  • ✘ Alcohol not allowed
  • ✘ Smoking not allowed


  • First aid kit

  • Lights outside

Positive eco impact

  • Pollution Prevention

  • Impact of Travel

  • Energy Efficient

  • Local Produce

  • Litter Management

  • Recycled Products

  • Recycling

  • Waste Management

  • Energy Conservation

  • Tree Planting

Eco standards

  • 100% renewable energy

  • Bicycle rental service

  • Biodiversity of green areas

  • Digital detox

  • Green building

  • Local produce

  • Organic produce

  • Solar thermal panels for hot water

  • Water-saving toilets


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